
How Much Water Do You Use To Cook Rice In A Pressure Cooker

Larn how to cook this Perfect Instant Pot Rice (Pressure Cooker Rice) with this easy Foolproof method. Fragrant and fluffy white rice ready in just 15 minutes. Set it and forget it, no demand to tend the pot. No more uncooked, burnt, or mushy rice!

Rice is such an important food in Asian cultures that it has actually become a part of our cultural identity.

My dad often jokes that his life is not complete if he goes a whole day without rice. Ha! That's why you lot'll probably discover at least one rice cooker in every Chinese habitation.

When we outset got married, we bought a decent Japanese rice cooker for ~$150. Nosotros're quite satisfied with how consistent it is in making fragrant and groovy tasting rice.

And then, we were quite skeptical if the quality of the Instant Pot Rice (Pressure Cooker Rice) can match those from our rice cooker.

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Well, the reply is Yes!

The all-time thing virtually cooking rice with a pressure cooker is that it'sFAST! The Instant Pot Rice is done in fifteen minutes, ~thirty minutes faster than our rice cooker.

If you're going to use an Instant Pot or electric pressure cooker, you'll love how you don't need to wait for the h2o to boil, tend the pot, or stir the rice like yous would cooking it in a regular pot. Just set it and come back to perfect force per unit area cooked rice.

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Rice unremarkably Fails to Cook in a Few Ways:

  • Also watery: this means your rice is under-cooked.
  • Difficult, chewy, or burnt: this ways you didn't add together enough water or it'due south overcooked.
  • Too mushy and gummy: this means you added manner too much water.

So, the h2o-to-rice ratios and the cooking times are the utmost important factors for making perfectly cooked rice. Every grain is different though.

Gold Rules for Cooking Perfect Instant Pot Rice (Jasmine Rice):

  • Cooking Time (Instant Pot or other similar Electrical Force per unit area Cookers): High Pressure for three minutes and 10 minutes Natural Release.
  • Water-to-Rice Ratio: 1 loving cup (250 ml) of cold h2o for i loving cup (250 ml) of white rice
    • Instant Pot users: accept note that the rice measuring cup that comes with the Instant Pot is but 180 ml

These gilded rules must be followed strictly for the best results.

Time for cooking rice in Instant Pot!

instant pot rice | rice instant pot | cooking rice in instant pot | instant pot white rice | instant pot jasmine rice | pressure cooker rice #AmyJacky #InstantPot #PressureCooker #recipe #rice #GlutenFree #vegan

Servings two - iv

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  • ane cup (230g) Jasmine rice
  • 1 cup (250ml) common cold h2o
  • ¼ - ½ teaspoon fine sea salt or table table salt optional

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  • Rinse Rice: Rinse rice under cold h2o by gently scrubbing the rice with your fingertips in a circling motion. Pour out the milky water, and continue to rinse until water is clear. Be sure to drain really well.

  • Pressure Cook Rice: Add 1 cup (230g) rice and ane cup (250ml) cold h2o in Instant Pot Force per unit area Cooker.

    Close the lid, plough Venting Knob to Sealing Position. Pressure level Cook at High Pressure for 3 minutes, then Natural Release for ten minutes. Turn Venting Knob to Venting position to release the remaining pressure. Open the hat quickly.

  • Optional Seasoning: Add salt to the rice for seasoning.

  • Fluff & Serve: Fluff rice with a fork, then serve warm. Bask~

If you lot apply the rice measuring cup that came with the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker to mensurate the rice, remember to use the same measuring cup to measure out the h2o as 1 rice measuring cup = 180 ml of rice.

*Rate Recipe: If you've tried the recipe, don't forget to Charge per unit the Recipe in the Comments Department. Thank you!

Serving: 209 g | Calories: 209 kcal | Carbohydrates: 45 g | Protein: four g | Sodium: half dozen mg | Potassium: 66 mg | Calcium: xvi mg | Iron: 0.v mg


Rinse Rice

Beginning, rinse the rice under common cold water by gently scrubbing the rice with your fingertips in a circling motion.

rinse jasmine rice, drain really well  #AmyJacky #recipe

Then, pour out the milky water, and continue to rinse until the h2o is clear. Ensure to drain really well to ensure the h2o-to-rice ratio is accurate.

*Pro Tip: Don't skip this stride equally it helps get rid of excess starches on the surface and prevents the rice in becoming gluey.


Pressure Cook Rice

At present, add 1 loving cup (230g) rice and one cup (250ml) common cold h2o in Instant Pot Pressure Cooker.

cooking rice in Instant Pot   #AmyJacky #InstantPot #PressureCooker #recipe #rice

Close the lid, then turn Venting Knob to Sealing Position.

Instant Pot Pressure Cooker High Pressure 3 minutes #AmyJacky #InstantPot #PressureCooker #recipes

  • Pressure Cooking Method: Pressure Cook at High Pressure for 3 minutes, then Natural Release for 10 minutes.

Speedily turn Venting Knob to Venting position to release the remaining pressure. Open the hat chop-chop.

*Pro Tip: Be sure to cook the rice immediately after you cascade the h2o in the Instant Pot – this prevents throwing off the water:rice ratio.


Fluff & Serve Rice

Finally, fluff perfectly cooked rice with a rice paddle or fork. Then, serve rice warm.

*Pro Tip: If the rice is a bit wet, let it rest a scrap for the moisture to escape before serving.

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Enjoy a wonderful meal with your perfectly cooked pressure cooker rice! 🙂

Tips for Cooking Rice in Instant Pot

ane. Double the Rice Recipe: If you want to melt more rice, double/triple the amount using the one:1 rice:h2o ratio with thesame cooking time.

two. Rice Storage: store white rice in a sealed container in a dry and dark place.

3. Rinse the Rice:Information technology's important to rinse the white rice under cold h2o until the water is clear. This will get rid of excess starches on the surface and prevent the rice in becoming gluey.

four. Cook the Rice Immediately: Melt the rice equally soon as you pour the water into the pressure cooker. If you let the rice sit in the water, the rice will continue to blot the water, which will throw off the ratio.

5. If the rice turns out a fleck wet when y'all open the chapeau, offset fluff the rice with a fork to let the moisture escape through the steam. Then allow it residual a bit earlier serving information technology.

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instant pot rice | rice instant pot | cooking rice in instant pot | instant pot white rice | instant pot jasmine rice | pressure cooker rice  #AmyJacky #InstantPot #PressureCooker #recipe #rice #GlutenFree #vegan


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