
How To Cook Canned Beans In Instant Pot

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Smoky, creamy and total of healthy nutrients, this Instant Pot Baked Beans recipe is a succulent, plant-based side dish that's the perfect accessory to BBQ dishes and burgers.

Even improve, it couldn't exist simpler to put together, with all the ingredients added to the Instant Pot and left to bubble abroad to perfection.


You can use a wide range of different beans in this dish, including pinto, nifty northern, navy or pocket-size white beans.

If you lot similar, you lot could fifty-fifty employ a combination! Whichever multifariousness y'all choose, all beans are a fantastic source of fiber and poly peptide and tin fifty-fifty help amend gut health.

Dried beans are also incredibly budget friendly, and thank you to the Instant Pot, you don't even need to soak them for this recipe.

However, one thing to bear in mind is that not soaking them beforehand will upshot in a higher water content for the end dish, then depending on how saucy you similar your baked beans you may prefer to pre-soak your beans, drain off the liquid earlier adding the other ingredients or simply using canned beans instead.


A blend of uncomplicated shop closet ingredients lend these Instant Pot Baked Beans their sugariness and smoky taste.

Apple cider vinegar (optional) and mustard bring some acrid to the dish, adding that signature sharp tanginess and bringing out the richness that makes baked beans so irresistible.

The sweet element ensures the perfect rest, while tomato gives a nice depth of flavor that rounds the whole dish out.

Chances are you'll have most of the key ingredients on hand, making this Instant Pot Broiled Beans recipe the perfect concluding-minute side dish when in that location's cipher in the fridge (or even a full meal as some British-inspired baked beans on toast or on top of a broiled potato!)

Can I Make Baked Beans Without An Instant Pot?

Admittedly! It's but every bit easy to brand this recipe in a regular pot on the stove or fifty-fifty in a boring cooker.

The only real difference is timing and that you will want to soak your stale beans before cooking.

On the stove, you volition want to let all the ingredients simmer away for around an hour and thirty minutes, while in the slow cooker yous will desire to allow iv to half-dozen hours on a depression heat.

How To Make Broiled Beans In Instant Pot?

To cook baked beans in the instant pot you'll need the following ingredients listed below. However, the full recipe and exact measurements are listed beneath in the recipe card.

For at present, hither'due south a quick listing and guide to help y'all make this recipe perfectly each and every unmarried time.

  • Navy beans
  • Table salt (we used Kosher salt)
  • Diced onions
  • Light brownish sugar
  • Honey
  • Butter
  • Ketchup
  • Liquid smoke
  • Dijon mustard
  • Water

Rinse and drain the dry beans.

Place the beans in the instant pot.

Add together the salt, onions, sugar and honey.

And so add the butter, ketchup, mustard, and h2o. Cook on high for 1hour 45 minutes.

Can I use Canned Beans?

To cutting down on time and grooming, yep, yous can use canned beans to make this recipe in the instant pot. Instead of cooking the beans and the ingredients for shut to ii hours, you'll want to reduce the time to betwixt 1 60 minutes and 1 hr and 30 minutes.

This quick and easy summer side dish is filling, satisfying, and hearty, making it the number i get to side dish for your summer grilling

How To Better Canned Baked Beans?

If you are using canned baked beans to brand this dish, consider adding ketchup, mustard and brownish saccharide as these ingredients will enhance the flavor of the beans.

If y'all do not want to add ketchup, you also add,BBQ Sauce and utilise kielbasa sausage to aid farther season the beans.

How To Store And Reheat?

Once cooled, you can store your Instant Pot Baked Beans in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

You tin reheat your baked beans in a variety of ways – either on the stovetop in a pan until piping hot, in the slow cooker on depression for one-2 hours, or even back in the Instant Pot on loftier pressure for 5 minutes.

How To Make This Dish Vegan?

To brand this dish vegan is very simple. Simple omit the butter. Y'all can substitute the butter with coconut oil for a twist in flavor.

Can You Freeze Baked Beans?

Yep, certainly baked beans can be frozen. You lot tin freeze this side equally information technology is perfect for any time of the year. If you similar, yous can besides freeze baked beans for upwardly to half-dozen months.

Simply defrost at room temperature before reheating according to the instructions above.

Serving Variations

To jazz up your beans, consider the adding the following beneath.

  • Add together crispy chopped bacon.
  • Add together spice like cayenne pepper. If you are not a fan of cayenne pepper, at that place are some great alternatives forsubstitute for cayenne pepper here.
  • If y'all don't want to use sugar, you tin can utilise all honey.
  • Endeavor adding a combination of beans.

Oven Baked Method

If you lot are using canned broiled beans and would similar to make the dish in the oven instead, sauté the onions first in nigh 2 tablespoon oil. Cook the onions until translucent on medium heat, about 4-5 minutes.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Transfer the ingredients to a blistering dish. Stir all of the ingredients until well combined. Cover tightly and broil for about 45 minutes.

What Goes With Baked Beans?

If you loved this instant pot baked beans recipe, consider paring it with one of the following dishes listed below.

Haitian White Rice

Instant Pot Corn On The Cob

Air Fryer BBQ Chicken

Creamy stovetop mac and cheese

Haitian Macaroni Au Gratin

Southern Style Potato Salad

Haitian Potato Salad

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baked beans in brown bowl with corn in the background and parsley

Easy Instant Pot Baked Beans Recipe

This easy Instant Pot Baked Beans recipe couldn't be simpler to put together. With all of the ingredients in i pot, this side dish bubbling away to perfection.

Prep Time 10 mins

Cook Time i hr 45 mins

Natural Release In Instant Pot 10 mins

Total Time two hrs 5 mins

Course Side Dish

Cuisine American

Servings six People

Calories 484 kcal

  • 2 Cups Dry out Navy beans
  • 1 Tsp. Table salt we used Kosher common salt
  • 1 Cup Diced onions
  • ½ Cup Light brown sugar
  • Cup Honey
  • 4 Tbsp. Butter
  • ½ Loving cup Ketchup
  • ½ Tsp. Liquid Smoke
  • ¼ Cup Dijon mustard
  • 2 Cups Water
  • Rinse and drain the dry beans. Place the beans in the instant pot.

    Dry beans in instant pot

  • Add the common salt, onions, sugar and love. Then add the butter, ketchup, liquid smoke, mustard, and h2o. Melt on loftier for i hour and 45 minutes high pressure.

    step by step guide

  • Allow to natural release for 10 minutes. Stir and serve equally a side and enjoy.

    baked beans in brown bowl with corn in the background

**** When printing the recipe, please unselect the photographic camera so that the pictures are Non printed with the recipe (if preferred).

*** Calories are estimated per serving

Serving: 6 People Calories: 484 kcal Carbohydrates: 85 thousand Protein: xvi thousand Fat: 15 g Saturated Fat: five yard Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 g Monounsaturated Fat: 2 thou Cholesterol: 20 mg Sodium: 681 mg Potassium: 911 mg Fiber: 17 thou Sugar: 22 yard Vitamin A: 70 IU Vitamin C: ane mg Calcium: 19 mg Atomic number 26: 21 mg

How To Cook Canned Beans In Instant Pot,


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